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Home » Learn English Through Stories – The Three Willowy Figures

Learn English Through Stories – The Three Willowy Figures

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Here’s a story about three willowy figures …

If you say that someone or something is willowy, it means they’re tall, thin, and graceful. There are three figures in our story. Their names are Makimo, Lathnu and Soborra. And there’s a bird. Have a look.


Bird: One winter day, while flying south, I saw these three willowy figures on my way, towering over the tallest trees. At first I thought they were made of reinforced concrete, but suddenly one of them spoke.

Reinforced concrete is concrete that has metal bars inside of it to make it stronger.

reinforced concrete

And now back to our story…


Makimo: There’s still a glimmer of hope. But you must hurry.


Bird: She was speaking to me, but I didn’t understand.


Lathnu: We’re pining away leading our sedentary lives here, aloof from the whole world.

Sedentary means doing or involving a lot of sitting, not doing or involving much physical activity. If you work in an office, you probably have a sedentary job.


It’s also used with people or animals that stay or live in one place instead of moving to different places. For example sedentary birds are birds that do not migrate.


Anyway, let’s continue…


Bird: I asked how I could help. The spindly figure in the back smiled.


Soborra: We’re losing our footing because we’re too heavy. Find the sorcerer and tell him to turn us back into what we used to be before it’s too late.

A sorcerer is a wizard, so a person that has magical powers. If you read The Lord of the Rings or The Hobbit by J. R. R. Tolkien, you probably remember Gandalf. He was a sorcerer.


Do you know any other famous sorcerers? If you do, write their names down below in the comments.


Bird: I had no idea what they were talking about, but still I decided to help them and find the sorcerer.


Bird: “I’ll find the sorcerer,” I said, “stay put until I get back.”, I added, no idea why.


willowytall, thin, and graceful
tower over sthto be much taller than sth
reinforced concrete /ˌriːjənˈfoɚst-/concrete that has metal bars inside of it to make it stronger
a glimmer of hopea small amount or sign of hope
pine awayto become thin and weak because of sadness or loss
sedentary /ˈsɛdn̩ˌteri/doing or involving a lot of sitting, not doing or involving much physical activity
aloofnot involved in or influenced by sth
spindlylong and thin and usually weak
footingthe ability of your feet to stay where you put them as you walk, run, etc.
sorcerera wizard
turn intoto change into a different state or form
stay putto stay where you are, to not move or go anywhere

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