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Home » Learn English Through Stories – Playing Hardball

Learn English Through Stories – Playing Hardball

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Here’s a romantic story that never happened. What does the title of the story mean? To play hardball means to use forceful and sometimes dishonest methods used to get something you want. Do you thinks it’s sometimes necessary to play hardball? If you have any such experiences and would like to share, you can do it in the comments.

In literal sense, hardball refers to baseball, especially when played very competitively.

And here’s the story.


Beth: You can’t just ditch me, Aiden. I know you have a crush on me.

Aiden: I can’t ditch you because we have never been together.


Beth: How dare you? And what about last Friday?

Aiden: I don’t follow you, I’m afraid. What about last Friday?


Beth: Oh, come on, Aiden. You smiled at me! Doesn’t it mean you’re really into me?

Aiden: Look, Beth, I want to be straight with you. I really like you, but I’m seeing someone else.


Beth: Is this because of my crooked legs?

Aiden: Come on, Beth. Your legs are fine.

So, if something is crooked, it’s not straight. Here are some examples:

– bananas, an example of crooked fruit


– a crooked forest

crooked forest

– a man with crooked teeth, and hence a crooked smile.

crooked smile

And now let’s go on with the story…


Beth: So, you like my legs? What else do you like? Maybe my pointed chin?

Turns out that if you have a pointed chin, you can make use of it. Like, for example, this lady.

pointed chin

Aiden: I see you’re playing hardball. By the way, you know, your chin actually is a little pointed. I never saw it before.


ditch sbto end a relationship with sb
crusha strong feeling of romantic love for sb that is usually not expressed and does not last a long time
followto understand the sense or logic of sth or sb
be into sbto like sb, to be interested in sb
straighthonest and direct
be seeing sbto date sb
crooked /ˈkrʊkəd/not straight
pointedending in a point
play hardballto use forceful and sometimes dishonest methods used to get sth you want

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