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Home » Learn English Through Stories – Greetings from the Manhole

Learn English Through Stories – Greetings from the Manhole

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Here’s a story about a man sitting in a manhole. That simple!

Do you know what a manhole is? It’s a covered hole in a street that a person can go down into to do work under the street. Some lids can be really beautiful. Have a look:

manhole lid
manhole lid
manhole lid

Anyway, let’s listen to Walter. He has something to say…


I’m Walter. I know what you’re thinking… What is that dweeb doing in the manhole? Is he a road mender or just a loafer who ran away from real life problems and is hiding in the malodorous world under the ground?


I’m not mental. I’m not a lazybones either. My story is sad, but with a happy end.


I hope you’re not a lazybones. Sure, everybody needs a rest from time to time, but not all the time.


I’m a miner. There was an accident and I was trapped deep under the ground.


But I didn’t give up. I bored a tunnel until I finally realized I was inside a huge, off-putting sewer, leading to this manhole.

It was really hard to heave the manhole lid, but I did it. Hmm, I sort of like it here. Maybe I’ll stay here a little bit longer…


dweeba person who behaves awkwardly around other people and usually has unstylish hair, clothes, etc.
manholea covered hole in a street that a person can go down into to do work under the street
road mendera worker that repairs roads
loafera person who does not work hard
malodorous /ˌmælˈoʊdərəs/ having a bad smell
lazybones, plural lazybonesa lazy person
boreto make (a hole, tunnel, etc.) in sth with a tool or by digging
off-puttingnot pleasing or likable, causing you to feel dislike of sb or sth
sewera subterranean pipe to carry off sewage and sometimes surface water (as from rainfall)
heaveto lift or pull sth with effort

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