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Home » Learn English Through Stories – Argumentative Matryoshka Dolls

Learn English Through Stories – Argumentative Matryoshka Dolls

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Here’s a story about some argumentative matryoshka dolls…

matryoshka dolls

Doll 10: Hey, the big one, you must be thinking you’re the foremost matryoshka doll here and you can regard the small dolls with contempt, right? Why would you bother to talk to such a lowly doll as me?

Doll 1: Well, I never said anything like that. Actually, you are so small that I didn’t even know you exist.

matryoshka dolls

Doll 9: Look at the shrew. She doesn’t even know we exist! The fact that you were scooped out first doesn’t mean you can undermine our self-confidence.

Doll 1: That’s not what I’m trying to do, I just meant…

matryoshka dolls

Doll 8: We know what you meant. Your shrewish tongue disgusts me. But wait, you will come crawling back to us for forgiveness.

Doll 1: I didn’t know you were so argumentative.

matryoshka dolls

Doll 7 (speaking to the small dolls): Hey, listen to her! Now she’s talking down to us. She really thinks she’s head and shoulders above us.

Doll 6 (speaking to the small dolls): Exactly. Look at her, that roly-poly, stocky woman with greasy hair, chubby cheeks and a bloated face. She needs a dietician.

matryoshka dolls

Doll 1: Hey, stop it. I don’t want to argue with you. You are all my daughters and granddaughters. I want to offer you an olive branch. Are we cool now?

Small dolls: OK, sorry about what we said. You know how cranky the small matryoshka dolls can be from time to time.

Doll 1: No problem, we’re cool.


foremostmost important
matryoshka (doll)a set of wooden dolls of decreasing size placed one inside another
contempta feeling that sb or sth is not worthy of any respect or approval
lowlylow in rank, position, or importance
shrew(old-fashioned) an unpleasant, bad-tempered woman
scoop outto make (a hole, hollow, etc.) by using a scoop, spoon, etc.
undermineto make sb or sth weaker or less effective usually in a secret or gradual way
shrewish(old-fashioned, of a woman) unpleasant and bad-tempered
disgust to cause sb to feel very annoyed and angry
come/go crawling (back) to sbto go to sb for help or approval in a way that shows you are weak or sorry for what you have done
argumentative  tending to argue, having or showing a tendency to disagree or argue with other people in an angry way
talk down to sbto talk to sb in an overly simple way which suggests that he or she is not intelligent
head and shoulders aboveused to say that sb or sth is much better than others
roly-polyshort and fat
stockyshort and heavy or broad
greasycovered with grease or oil, dirty from grease or oil
chubbysomewhat fat
bloatedvery swollen, too full of liquid, gas, food, etc.
dieticiana person whose job is to give people advice about what to eat in order to be healthy
olive branch      sth that is said or done to make peace or to show that you want peace, a symbol of peace
crankyeasily annoyed or angered
We’re cool.= I forgive you.

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