Today we’ll learn some phrasal verbs with UP, which is a frequently used particle.
But before you go on, here’s a little announcement. I just added my e-book Learn Over 400 Phrasal Verbs the Fun Way to my store. If you want to learn something useful and have fun learning, make sure to check it out.
Anyway, we’ll make just a tiny selection as usual because it’s impossible to cover them all in one article. You will see a pair of sentences in each example where the first sentence will contain a regular verb and the second sentence will contain a phrasal verb with the particle UP with the same meaning. Here are the phrasal verbs with UP:
The bomb exploded when the troops were crossing the river.
The bomb blew up when the troops were crossing the river.
explode = blow up
We haven’t spoken to each other for years, but yesterday she telephoned me to say she was coming back.
We haven’t spoken to each other for years, but yesterday she called me up to say she was coming back.
telephone = call up

I think the scientists are trying to exaggerate the importance of this discovery.
I think the scientists are trying to play up the importance of this discovery.
exaggerate = play up
They broke it into pieces with a sledgehammer.
They broke it up with a sledgehammer.
break into pieces = break up
It must have been the milk that made him vomit his dinner.
It must have been the milk that made him bring up his dinner.
vomit = bring up

I tried to go to see him when I was in the area where he lives, but he must have changed his address.
I tried to look him up, but he must have changed his address.
go to see sb when you are in the area where that person lives = look up
After many years, they finally reconciled with each other.
After many years, they finally made up with each other.
reconcile = make up
It looks like our neighbors are preparing for a siege judging by the way they’re gathering large quantities of food.
It looks like our neighbors are preparing for a siege judging by the way they’re stocking up on food.
gather large quantities of sth = stock up on sth
I was waiting for a suitable moment to raise the subject of school dinners.
I was waiting for a suitable moment to bring up the subject of school dinners.
mention, raise (a subject) = bring up
This dress is fastened with buttons at the back.
This dress does up at the back.
be fastened with buttons, a zipper, shoelaces, etc. = do up

Look! There’s a masked man robbing the bank!
Look! There’s a masked man holding up the bank!
rob (using a gun) = hold up
Don’t listen to him. He’s always inventing lies about us.
Don’t listen to him. He’s always making up lies about us.
invent, create = make up
His decision was delayed for weeks.
His decision was held up for weeks.
delay, stop, slow = hold up
A large office block is being built near my house.
A large office block is going up near my house.
be built = go up

His interest in the job disappeared completely when they told him how much he would earn.
His interest in the job dried up when they told him how much he would earn.
disappear completely = dry up
I’ll take him home for the night if the hotel is all booked up.
I’ll put him up if the hotel is all booked up.
take sb home for the night = put up
The dog’s life is connected with the life of his master.
The dog’s life is tied up with the life of his master.
connect = tie up
He likes embarrassing his wife by making cruel jokes about her in public.
He likes showing up his wife by making cruel jokes about her in public.
embarrass = show up
Naturally, there are tons of other phrasal verbs with UP.