Here’s a story about a creepy-crawly. A creepy-crawly is something small that crawls and gives you the creeps or just is annoying, like a worm, insect, or spider. Do these little creatures give you the creeps? If not, what gives you the creeps? Feel free to share down in the comments.
But in this story there’s a different creepy-crawly.

Draco: Look, Bossa, I have an itchy nose. There must be some sort of creepy-crawly on it, but I can’t see well in that direction.
Here you can see an image of a girl scratching her skin. Why is she doing this? Because her skin feels itchy.

Bossa: It’s now on my nose too, but I can’t see it either. Why don’t we just shake it off?

Draco: Wait a minute. Did you hear the swish?
Bossa: So, you heard it too?

Draco: Oh, I think I can see something now. It’s a scantily clad girl with a sword or something.
Bossa: Oh, it’s Tarra. She uses the thing to groom me.
Here’s a video of a cat being groomed. Go ahead and play it.
Let’s continue our story.

Draco: She better leave me alone or I’ll shoot venom at her.
Venom can kill people. So you must be careful. Rattlesnakes produce dangerous venom, but there are other snakes with even more dangerous venom.

Bossa: Come on, Draco, don’t be such a hothead. If you ask her politely, maybe she will groom you too.

Draco: I don’t feel like being groomed by any lightly dressed Tom, Dick and Harry. I have my rules.
Bossa: Oh, I see.
itchy | having an uncomfortable or unpleasant feeling on your skin or inside your mouth, nose, etc., that makes you want to scratch |
creepy–crawly | an unpleasant worm, insect, or spider |
shake off | to remove by shaking |
swish | a prolonged hissing sound (as of a whip cutting the air) |
scantily clad | wearing very little clothing |
groom | to clean and care for (an animal) |
better | – often used instead of HAD BETTER |
venom | poison that is produced by an animal (such as a snake) and used to kill or injure another animal usually through biting or stinging |
hothead | a person who gets angry easily |
lightly | in a small amount, to a small degree or extent |
Tom, Dick, and Harry | = any person, anyone |