A blessing in disguise is something that at first seems to be a bad or unfortunate thing but eventually turns out to be a good thing.

Here are some examples:
My car broke down in the middle of nowhere, so I missed my plane. But it was a blessing in disguise, which I only realized when I heard the news about the plane crash five hours later.
She lost her job, but it was a blessing in disguise because it encouraged her to apply for her dream job, which she actually got.
Our travel agency went bankrupt and our trip was canceled. When we then heard that an epidemic broke out on the island we were supposed to go to, we knew it had been a blessing in disguise.
The accident was a blessing in disguise because it was then at the hospital that he met his future wife.
During the terrorist attack he was so stressed out that he fainted. But it turned out to be a blessing in disguise as when the terrorists saw him lying on the floor they thought he was already dead.
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