Today I’d like to talk about my recent book… I just published a book, Learn Over 400 Phrasal Verbs the Fun Way.
As the title suggests, it’s a book that will teach you phrasal verbs, so two- or three-word combinations consisting of a verb and a particle. Some examples are get up, pull off or give in. They’re very common in English, and, although practically all of them can be replaced by simple verbs, they’re much more frequently used in everyday language.
I know you speak English well, maybe even very well. Otherwise you wouldn’t be able to read this post. But to sound more like a native you should by all means add some phrasal verbs to your repertoire.
In this book you’ll have an opportunity to learn over 400 phrasal verbs. Is this much? Yes and no. Yes, because the phrasal verbs you’re going to learn are the most common ones. No, because there are literally tens of thousands of phrasal verbs, so here you’re going to learn just a small fraction of them. Anyway, this is the fraction that you definitely should be familiar with.
The book is divided into four parts, each part containing several chapters. Throughout the book we’ll be following the adventures of a funny family in four different locations.
All phrasal verbs in this book are used in real-life situations. You will have plenty of opportunities to practice them because there are lots of exercises in each chapter.
Here are some samples from the book.

Now, where can you purchase the book?
If you are interested, you can purchase the book in four versions. Here are the links:
1) ebook – pdf version on my website – in full color
2) ebook – Kindle version on Amazon – in full color
3) paperback version on Amazon – in black and white
4) paperback version on Amazon – in full color
I really hope you will learn a lot of new stuff and have fun reading the book.