Hey, I have no grammar or vocabulary for you today. Instead, let’s talk about the American education system. I’m writing this article in September, which is just the time when school starts after the summer vacation in the United States.
Why do you go to school? To learn and get even smarter. So, don’t cut class. It’s time to hit the books.
If you’re here, it means you like learning new stuff, right? There are lots of things you can learn. One of them are phrasal verbs. It so happens that I have a course that will teach you over 400 commonly used phrasal verbs. The fun way! So, just check it out.
The Education System
Although there is not a one-and-only possible path from preschool to college in the USA, here’s what a typical one looks like.
Very young children often go to a preschool, usually at the age of 3. They spend two years there. Then, before the first grade, at the age of five, they go kindergarten, which is the first stage of elementary education.

There are three levels of schools: elementary, middle and high.

In the USA each year at school is called a grade. There are twelve grades.
Most children start elementary school at the age of 6. Elementary school is sometimes called grade school. Most children are at elementary school from grade 1 to grade 6.

Then they go to middle school or junior high school. They usually spend two years there, grade 7 and 8.

Next, they go to high school where they spend four years (grades 9-12).

There are even special names for the students of each grade in high school:
So, the students in the ninth grade are called freshmen.
The students in the tenth grade are called sophomores.
The students in the eleventh grade are called juniors.
The students in the twelfth grade are called seniors.

The same names are used at college where they can go after high school.
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